Official Complaint


Thank you for making an official complaint about Rushcliffe Borough Council.

Please note this form is for official complaints about the council only. To report a problem, please use the relevant report a problem form. To make a general enquiry, please use our General enquiries form.

Please read the Complaints Handling Policy for full information about the complaints process and complaints that do and don’t fall within the remit of this Council.

Please complete this form in as much detail as possible. Information you provide helps us respond more efficiently to your complaint. Questions marked with a * symbol are compulsory.

To complete this online form you will need reference numbers of any correspondence you have had with the Council relating to the issue you are complaining about. It should take about 5 minutes to complete an Official complaint.

Data Protection Privacy Notice

Please read this Privacy Notice which explains how any personal information you provide on this form will be used by Rushcliffe Borough Council.
