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Council Tax - Single Persons Discount Form
Thank you for applying for a single person discount on your Council Tax with Rushcliffe Borough Council.
The Council Tax bill assumes that there are at least two adults living in the property. If only one adult lives in a property (as their main home), the Council Tax bill will be reduced by a quarter (25%).
If you are the only adult living at your address, please complete this form in as much detail as possible. Information you provide helps us decide if you are eligible for a single person discount. Questions marked with a * symbol are compulsory.
The single person discount will be awarded from the date of application. However, if you wish to claim the discount from an earlier date, please supply confirmation of your single occupier status in writing from an independent third party.
To complete this online form you will need to have a copy of your Council Tax bill available. It should take less than 10 minutes to complete a Council Tax - Single persons discount form.
Data Protection Privacy Notice
Please read this
Privacy Notice
which explains how any personal information you provide on this form will be used by Rushcliffe Borough Council.
Please note: if you knowingly give false information, you may be prosecuted.
If you cease to live on your own, you must notify Revenues Services at Rushcliffe Borough Council, Rushcliffe Arena, Rugby Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham NG2 7YG. If you fail to do so you may be subject to a £70.00 penalty.
Please tick this box to indicate that you have read and agree to the conditions set out above:
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